Our 2023 Litter is sold out! Next litter of Red Fox Labrador puppies expected fall 2024.

Week One Pupdate

December 28th, 2023

Hello everyone!  Here are the first photos of our December 2023 litter with Ginger and Kai.  All the pups are four days old here.  Taking pictures of these pups is harder than you would think.  They are constantly moving and searching for mom when we take them out of the whelping box.  It’s like trying to photograph dancing jello.  As the pups mature they are much easier to photograph.

As of right now, Dark Purple is the largest of the litter and first born pup….yellow is the smallest.  The Light Blue female has a small white dot on her head and has become the family favorite.  Ginger, our female, has a single white toe on her back leg and Light Blue looks like she inherited it. All are doing great!

Red Fox Labrador Pupppy

December 2023 Litter with Ginger and Kai

Week 1 Photos