Our 2023 Litter is sold out! Next litter of Red Fox Labrador puppies expected fall 2024.

Week Two Pupdate

January 3rd, 2024

Here we are 10 days old and already lots of changes!  Some puppy updates to share:
1 – Everyone is gaining weight daily.  All the puppies are now 2X (or more) of their birth weight. They are still small enough that they will fit in the palm of your hand but that probably won’t be the case by next week.  The “gorilla” of the litter is a male, Dark Purple.  He’s been the largest of the litter and continues to get big fast.  He was the first pup to weigh to more than 1,000 grams. The smallest pups in the litter are Brown and Yellow.  Both healthy and gaining weight but the smallest in size compared to their brothers and sisters.
2 – Pads and noses are getting dark.  All the pups have pink feet and noses when they are born but many of them have started to turn the Labrador black.  They are soooooo cute with their dark noses and little black feet now.
3 – Eyes will usually start to open between 14-21 days, so sometime next week.  When we were taking pictures tonight, we noticed yellow is really trying to open his eyes and you can just see a sliver of them starting to open.  Couple more days and everyone should start to see their new world.
4 – We were amazed today that Black was standing up and trying to walk!  Normally the pups don’t walk until they can see but Black was clearly up on all four legs and trying to take his first steps. We haven’t seen a pup do that this early before but looks like he will be our first “walker”.
Also, we posted some videos on our YouTube channel…..super cute puppy noises so make sure you can hear them!
Cute Puppy Noises: https://youtu.be/HzPLPSQtYNs
11 Puppies Nursing: https://youtu.be/nW1wvgUemO4

December 2023 Litter with Ginger and Kai

Week 2 Photos