Our 2023 Litter is sold out! Next litter of Red Fox Labrador puppies expected fall 2024.

Week Five Pupdate

January 28th, 2024

It’s week five and these little guys seem to have grown up a lot. All the pups are done with the mush and eating soft, solid food. We basically take puppy food and soak it in warm water for five minutes. They have adjusted very well to that. By this time next week (for week 6) we will transition them to dry food. We have had several questions about dog food and what to feed them when they go home. Not to worry, we will give everyone detailed instructions on how to maintain their diet. Everyone will receive a complete puppy kit with instructions that will answer 99% of most questions people have asked. Potty training started this week, first baths happened this week and a few of them got outside to see the snow (videos below).

As far as weights go, Dark Purple is still the beast coming in at 9.2lbs as of today. Light Blue, a female, is the smallest weight at 6.6lbs. Everyone else was right in the middle at 7.5lbs or so. They are all very healthy and very active. Personalities continue to develop. Brown likes to “talk” at us when we are out with them….Black (in my opinion) is still the dominant male. Even though Purple is the largest, that doesn’t mean the biggest dog is always the alpha. Black just seems to be the watchdog of the litter, first to eat and always get the warmest sleeping spot.

Of the girls that are left to be picked, Light Blue is very active and playful….she’s super sweet and would be good for an active family. Pink is still the laid back and relaxed pup of the litter but definitely likes to play, just on her own terms. Red is somewhere in the middle. Not as playful as Light Blue, but not as relaxed as Pink. In fact, we had a hard time getting a good photo of Light Blue this week, she just wouldn’t sit still for the camera. Apologies if light blue looks a blurry in her picture 🙂

The next set of puppy picks will happen about noon on Tuesday and we will update the website as soon as we have selections made. After that, Thursday afternoon will be the next round and the final picks will happen Friday. By Friday afternoon, every puppy should know their forever home. We know everyone is anxious to make their puppy pick, you have been GREAT about making decisions quickly so we appreciate that…..really makes the process go smoothly.

Last piece of advice for this week….if you have not made your initial vet appointment, might be a good time to do that. Remember, once you take possession of the pup, you have three business days to have your vet examine the dog and notify us of any potential issues. We’ve NEVER had a pup returned but just wanted to remind everyone of the timeline. Our vet takes 2-3 weeks to get a non-urgent appointment so if your vet is the same way, we’re right at that 3 week mark before most of them will go home.

Video: Brown Puppy “Talking” To Us

Video: Puppies Get a Bath

Video: First Outside Play Time

That’s it for week 5, have a great week!


December 2023 Litter with Ginger and Kai

Week 5 Photos