Our 2023 Litter is sold out! Next litter of Red Fox Labrador puppies expected fall 2024.

Our Ethics Statement

The Commitment To Our Clients and Community

MyRedFoxLabs.com is a small, Colorado business run by myself and my husband.  We treat others as we want to be treated and that has done well for us over the years.  We conduct ourselves as openly, honestly and ethically as possible with our audience and clients.

We are certainly not a “huge” brand but we do have a loyal audience and customer base.  Our primary income from MyRedFoxLabs.com is breeding and selling the best quality of Red Fox Labradors that we can produce.  However, our other streams of revenue from the site include ads, affiliate marketing and merchandise sales.  This is true our social media channels as well.  

We want to be VERY clear about sponsored content.  Sponsored content, where we are paid to promote a product or service, is extremely rare on our website and social platforms.  If we choose to work with a company, it will always be because we actively use the product or service and genuinely trust the brand to provide an excellent experience for our clients.  More importantly, we will always make it abundantly clear that any such post or video is sponsored.  If we don’t explicitly say that a post, video or other content is sponsored, then it is NOT sponsored.

The vast majority of the products we use and review are purchased with our own money.  Occasionally, companies will send us a product free of charge, and we will always clearly state that it was provided at no cost.  Offering free products to us never guarantees a positive review (or even a review at all).  Just like sponsorships, we are extremely selective about accepting anything for free and will only do so after discussing this Ethics Statement with the company.

All that being said, there are a few additional, non-negotiable points we would like to share, just for the sake of clarity.  We have made all of this information publicly available to our visitors and potential partners so that we’re all on the same page:

  • Any and all content we provide is our own. We create and produce each post, video or podcast based on what we’re excited about and what we think will be relevant to our audience.

  • Our reviews are always as objective as possible and our opinions are always our own honest opinion. 

  • We will NOT submit previews of videos or posts to anyone for approval or revisions. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • We have full control over our own content calendar. While we are happy to work collaboratively when possible for scheduling purposes, no outside party can pay or otherwise influence us in return for scheduling priority. 

  • Just because a product is provided to us at no cost does not mean we will review it, or feature it, in a post or video.  We do not produce content in exchange for free products or services.

  • We NEVER work with Amazon resellers or 3rd party resellers of any kind – only directly with reputable companies we know and trust. 

  • We appreciate when companies offer information about their products or services, but we will only include content we feel is relevant and necessary in the post or video we create.

  • We will work to make posts or videos as accurate and helpful as possible to our audience.

  • While it usually makes sense to include certain links in articles, video descriptions or social media posts, we retain full control over what is shared on our accounts across any and all platforms.

  • We do not guarantee any number of views or any amount of audience engagement on any videos, posts or content.  There are too many variables beyond our control for us to make any guarantees regarding potential viewership. 

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand this Ethics Statement. While this probably doesn’t cover every possible scenario under the sun, it should give you a solid idea of how strongly we value the integrity behind what we do and the relationship with have with our community.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via our Contact Page.

All the best,