Our 2023 Litter is sold out! Next litter of Red Fox Labrador puppies expected fall 2024.

Our Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Is Important To Us

MyRedFoxLabs.com is committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with a positive experience on our website. This Privacy Statement applies to and describes how we handle Personal Information and the choices available to you regarding collection, use, access, and how to update and correct your Personal Information. To the extent a specific notice for a website, product or service differs from this Privacy Statement, the specific notice will take precedent. If there is a difference in translated, non-English versions of this Privacy Statement, the U.S.-English version will take precedent.

What is Personal Information?

“Personal Information” is any information that can reasonably be used to identify an individual and may include name, address, email address, phone number, login information (such as account number, password), social media account information, or payment card number.

The types of Personal Information that we may process depends on the business context and the purposes for which it was collected. It may include:

  • Contact, subscription, registration, online identifiers, social media and discussion forum or communications details;
  • Communications (such as audio, video, text) content;
  • Online behavior and product usage information;
  • Financial Information (such as bank account details or credit card information);
  • Details of an individual’s business and other interests and opinions (such as where information is held in a Customer Relationship Management database); and
  • Information about the user of our services and services, including System Information such as device identifiers, and telemetry (such as IP or MAC address) when such data is linked or tied to a specific person’s device.

If we link other data with your Personal Information, we will treat that linked data as Personal Information.

Collection & use of your Personal Information

We may collect data, including Personal Information, about you as you use our websites and services to interact with us. We may also acquire Personal Information from trusted third-party sources and engage third parties to collect Personal Information on our behalf.  An example would be processing of credit card transactions directly on the credit card processor’s website after being transferred from our site.

We may use your Personal Information for the purposes of operating and helping to ensure the security of our business, delivering, improving, and customizing our websites and services, sending notices, marketing and other communications, and for other legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law.

We collect Personal Information for a variety of business reasons, such as:

  • Order processing, including billing and payment;
  • Customer relationship management and administration;
  • Creating and managing user accounts;
  • Provisioning websites and services and enabling the use of certain features;
  • Analyzing, personalizing, improving accuracy, and enhancing user experience, communications, and interactions;
  • Sending communications to you, including for marketing or customer satisfaction purposes, either directly from MyRedFoxLabs.com or from our partners;
  • Managing communications preferences. You can modify your communication preferences at any time.
  • Contract performance, solution delivery, and customer service;
  • Facilitating conferences, webinars, and other events.

If you choose to provide us with a third party’s Personal Information (such as name, email, and phone number), you represent that you have the third party’s permission to do so. Examples include forwarding reference or marketing material to a friend or sending referrals. Third parties may unsubscribe from any future communication following the link provided in the initial message or by submitting a request. In some instances, MyRedFoxLabs.com and the third parties we engage may automatically collect data through cookies, web logs, web beacons, and other similar applications. Please read the section below for more information.

Your privacy rights

We need your help to keep your Personal Information accurate and up to date. We provide options to access, correct, suppress, or delete your Personal Information.  If you need additional assistance, or help with accessing, correcting, suppressing, or deleting your Personal Information, please feel free to contact us. We will respond to your request within 30 days. If we are unable to honor your request or need more time, we will provide you with an explanation.

Your choices and selecting your communication preferences

We give you the option to receive a variety of information related to our business, programs, website, and services. You can manage your communication preferences at any time through the following methods:

  • By following the instructions included in each promotional email from us to unsubscribe from that mailing.
  • By completing and submitting this contact form. Please be sure to include your name, email address, the communication received, method of delivery (such as post, email, phone call, text), and any additional information about the material you no longer wish to receive.
  • For short message services (“SMS services”), reply “STOP,” “END,” or “QUIT” to the SMS text message you have received.

These choices do not apply to required communications that are considered part of certain programs, websites, and services, which you may receive periodically unless you cancel or stop use in accordance with its terms and conditions.

By using our websites, services, or otherwise engaging or providing Personal Information to us, you agree that we may communicate with you regarding security, privacy and administrative issues relating to your use. For example, if we learn of a security system’s breach, we may attempt to notify you by posting a notice on our websites, sending an email, or otherwise contacting you.

Sharing your Personal Information

We may share your Personal Information with third parties for the purposes of operating our business, delivering, analyzing, improving, securing, and customizing our websites and services, sending marketing and other communications related to our business, and for other legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law(s) or otherwise with your consent.

We may share Personal Information in the following ways:

  • With business partners, service vendors, authorized third-party agents, or contractors to provide a requested website, Solution, service, or transaction. Examples include processing of orders and credit card transactions, hosting websites, hosting seminar registration, assisting with sales-related efforts or post-sales support, and providing customer support.
  • In response to a request for information by a competent authority or third party if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or is otherwise required by, any applicable law, regulation, or legal process.
  • With law enforcement officials, government authorities, or other third parties as necessary to comply with legal process or meet national security requirements; protect the rights, property, or safety of MyRedFoxLabs.com, our business partners, you, or others; or as otherwise required by applicable law.
  • In aggregated, anonymized, and/or de-identified form that cannot reasonably be used to identify you.
  • If we otherwise notify you and you consent to the sharing.


Security of your Personal Information

We take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the Personal Information entrusted to us and treat it securely in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

Retention and disposal of Personal Information

We will retain your Personal Information as needed to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We will retain and use your Personal Information as necessary to comply with our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets, and enforce our rights and agreements.

We will not retain Personal Information in identifiable form when the purpose(s) for which the Personal Information was collected have been achieved and there is no legal or business need to retain such Personal Information. Thereafter, the data will either be destroyed, deleted, anonymized, and/or removed from our systems.

Use of cookies and similar technologies

Like many websites and web-based services, MyRedFoxLabs.com uses automatic data collection tools, such as cookies, embedded web links, and web beacons. These tools collect certain standard information that your browser sends to us (such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, MAC address, clickstream behavior, and telemetry).

These tools help make your visit to our website and services easier, more efficient, and personalized. We also use the information to improve our website and services and provide greater service and value, to better understand your potential interest in our services, and to provide you with more relevant ads and other content.

We partner with third parties to display advertising on our website and to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or similar technologies to provide you with advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. You may opt out of this advertising; however, generic, non-personalized ads will continue to be displayed.

Linked websites

We may provide links to other third-party websites and services that are outside MyRedFoxLabs.com’s control and governed by the respective third-party’s privacy policy, not by this Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the privacy statements posted on the websites you visit and in the applications you use.

Children’s privacy

MyRedFoxLabs.com encourages parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities. MyRedFoxLabs.com does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children without appropriate parental or guardian consent. If you believe that we may have collected Personal Information from someone under the applicable age of consent in your country without proper consent, please let us know using the contact page and we will take appropriate measures to investigate and address the issue promptly.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) / California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

For business purposes in the last twelve months, MyRedFoxLabs.com may have collected, used, and shared Personal Information about you as described in this privacy statement. Each category of data that may be used by MyRedFoxLabs.com or shared with third parties is categorically outlined in this Privacy Statement.

California customers have a right to: (1) request access, correction, and deletion of their Personal Information, (2) opt out of the sale of their Personal Information, and (3) not be discriminated against for exercising one of their California privacy rights.

All individuals have the right to request access to and deletion of the information MyRedFoxLabs.com holds about them online via the contact pageMyRedFoxLabs.com does not sell the Personal Information of California customers.  MyRedFoxLabs.com does not discriminate against individuals for exercising their privacy rights.

Updates to this Privacy Statement

We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time. If we modify our Privacy Statement, we will post the revised version here with an updated revision date. If we make material changes to our Privacy Statement, we may also notify you by other means, such as by posting a notice on our websites or sending you a notification. By continuing to use our website after such revisions are in effect, you accept and agree to the revisions and to abide by them.

Last Revised December 2022